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St Davids Wells


An OO layout based on a market town in the Welsh Marches

St David's Wells is a traditional double-oval layout of approximately 15ft by 9ft with a large operating well in the centre. The far end of the layout is significantly wider and houses the locomotive servicing depot.

Notionally set in a sunny day during the mid-1930s, St David's has a general Great Western theme but is by no means exclusively so; other stock of the ‘Big Four' and post-nationalisation railways are often to be seen.

The track diagram is a double-oval, folded over on itself, and the main station is accessed via an incline with the lower tracks passing in a tunnel underneath. For a lot of the layout, four tracks are seen in close proximity, providing an illusion of greater scale.

The two platform station is on a curve with an additional single bay, adjacent to Station Road for shorter trains. The goods facilities consist of three sidings and a large goods shed. There are further sidings for a timber merchant and a feed store and large coach sidings behind. The locomotive servicing area has a turntable, a pair of double-road sheds and the usual other facilities. This area is currently under construction, as are sections of backscene.

Finally, raised and running around two sides is a branch line which will be serviced by either an auto-train or a railcar.


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'Southern Railway 2-Bil visits the St Davids Wells' branch line.


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GWR Achilles Class 4-2-2 Dean Single 'Flying Dutchman'.


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Images of 'Worcester' at St David's Wells, a GWR Achilles Class 4-2-2


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GWR 5700 Class, 0-6-0 Pannier 5764 with a low siphon and a rake of four wheel carriages. WR Achilles Class 4-2-2 'Worcester'.


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GWR 1000 Class, County of Cornwall 1006. Market Day in St. Davids Wells LMS Fowler Class 4F visits St Davids Wells.


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GWR 38** Class, County of Radnor 3818. GWR 3818 County of Radnor visits St Davids Wells. The Rocket (circa 1829) visits St Davids Wells.


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Station Road, St. Davids Wells. Blue Pullman Decending from St Davids Wells. Steam & Diesel together.


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A distant view of Station Road, St David's Wells. A view along Station Road to the market place. Motive Power Depot, Under Development.


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Southern N Class mogul entering the incline with a rake of Southern mixed freight. Fowler ploughing engine with van, behind Thomas French's feed store. A view of the station and market area, St David's Wells.



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