A plate from the Revd. Edward Beal’s 1935 book ‘Railway Modelling in Miniature’
Probably a little late to wish you all a Happy New Year, but anyway…..
A packed newsletter this month, with news of another excursion, changes to the modelling competition, next year’s Christmas Dinner [yes, really!], the recent EGM and the next wagon commission to mention but a few.
But, as mentioned at the recent EGM, all of this work falls on relatively few shoulders, so some information also on the role for the 7th. committee member, a new post strongly recommended from the floor at the EGM.
The Club’s next wagon commission
A very brief update from the details already announced. The artwork for this wagon should be with us for approval within 4-6 weeks. Once received, a copy of the image will be posted in the newsletter, together with any other information about the commission. The prices for each of the 3 gauges will remain unchanged however and pre-ordering will also be possible.
Potential stock sales
First, I have been contacted by an individual who asked whether the club might like to purchase his N-gauge end-to-end layout. I explained that the club did not purchase layouts and whilst I would not commit the club to undertake the sale of his layout for him, I said that I would put a note in our January newsletter and any interested parties could then contact him directly to negotiate terms.
The layout measures 6”x1”, folding down to 3”x1” for storage / transport. It is analogue and comes with a power supply and a Gaugemaster hand-held controller. A photograph is shown below but note that stock is not included. The price is in the region of £150. Please contact me by e-mail for the seller’s details if you are interested.
Secondly, a members’ stock sale. This was referred to in the last newsletter but, since then, only one member has come forward to confirm that they would like one arranged. It seems unlikely that this can now proceed during January, but it is still possible to arrange something for February should there be continuing interest. Please let me know how you would like this to proceed if there is a wish for it to continue.
Building safety matters
Towards the end of December, whilst a number of members were at the club, the building’s fire alarm was activated. Whilst no fire was noticed, the Fire and Rescue Service was quite correctly called. Since then, Noel Blows has spoken to FOYD, who acknowledged an ongoing activation fault with regard to the building’s alarm. We have been assured that this is receiving attention and an update will be sought in due course. However, in spite to two false alarms in recent months, any further sounding of the alarm must be treated as a reason to evacuate the building quickly.
The December trip to the West Somerset Railway was a great success in spite of mini-bus difficulties and photos have been posted on the club’s Flickr account here for those who missed it. Phil Skinner is keen to organise another trip and has proposed a return to Llandrindod Wells via the Central Wales line on the 13th. March. The rail journey is free for those with bus passes and lunch for those travelling can be organised at the Metropole once again. I’m told that the cost, and time-table, will be exactly the same as before, but this will be confirmed in the February newsletter. Please let Phil Skinner know if you wish to travel as soon as possible in order that he can advise the Metropole of the number of diners. He will put a notice on the club’s board in the near future.
The possibility of a trip to Pendon Museum has also been discussed. Further information about this when the details are known.
I’d put good money on nobody recognising this unusual tank, although it has obviously been rebuilt by the GWR at some stage. It is, in fact, the last surviving 0-6-2T, built by Kitson for the Cardiff Railway and rebuilt by the GWR in 1928, standing in Cardiff East Dock yard on 27th July 1950.
Photo: Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution
The recent EGM, the role of the additional Committee member and the 2018-19 Annual General Meeting
The minutes of the January 2019 Extraordinary General Meeting of the club are attached with this newsletter. The proposal put to the meeting by the Chair was fully detailed in the December newsletter and is summarised again in the minutes.
After discussion, a suggested amendment to the proposal [that the Committee be increased in size from 6 to 7] was passed after a vote and the amended proposal was then accepted by those members attending. It is now resolved that the SRMG Committee will comprise three officers and four ordinary members and that, annually, one officer and one ordinary member will stand down. This should ensure continuity in the management of the club and provide for some succession planning within the Committee. Those Committee members standing down may seek re-election if they wish and, if unopposed, could be returned without an election. Otherwise, annual AGMs would have to elect no more than two Committee members from within the membership per year.
The new Committee member post will have responsibility for membership and development. Aspects of ‘membership’ tend to be managed by whoever is around at the time or whoever answers the phone / receives the e-mail. Having all of this squarely under one roof will improve the experience of potential / new members and generally tighten up this important aspect of club life and its future success.
Club members who wish to consider applying for this new post should start thinking about it now. Attached to this newsletter is a nomination form for the post: proposals should only be made with the potential candidate’s agreement! Please return these forms to me, by e-mail, before the 31st January 2019. If you cannot e-mail the form, please give your hard copy to Noel Blows no later than Thursday the 31st January 2019. However, wherever possible, e-mail is the preference for returns. Please use this address: Secretary@srmg.org.uk
Voting will take place at the AGM on Thursday the 7th. February 2019. The agenda for the AGM will follow in due course and the minutes from last year will be reissued at the same time.
Downton Road
Downton Road is one of the club’s new-builds and it is hoped that it will be ready for display at our 2019 exhibition. Phil Place has asked me to make a request for additional help to enable the layout to be completed in time however, and he is looking for one [but ideally, two] members to work with his team on the scenic aspects of the layout. Please contact Phil directly if you would like to be involved.
The Modelling Competition
It’s very close to that time of year again and the competition will be judged on Thursday the 28th. March 2019. The rules for entry were circulated some months ago but as one or two changes have been made since then, they will be reissued here .
Following the recent success of Simon Durrer’s tree modelling competition, Simon has also agreed to take over responsibility for running the annual modelling competition [for which Simon, many thanks]. He has suggested an additional category: a first entrant’s model [the actual name for the category to be finalised].This has to be a railway-related model and must be, as with all the categories, the entrant’s own work.
The stipulation for entry is that this must be a first-time entrant [ie. he/she cannot have entered any previous competitions held by the SRMG] and it must be the only category for which the modeller is submitting in the competition. The winner will receive a £25 cash prize and a certificate. There will be no runner up.
Last year’s competition was the best ever: it’s up to you all to make this year’s even better and, with the new category, there’s no excuse for not trying!
Who doesn’t love a Dean Goods? A view of Cardiff Canton on 15th April 1951 with two pre-grouping locos in the yard. Nearest the camera is Dean Goods 0-6-0 No. 2537 and behind is Alexandra Docks Railway 2-6-2T No. 1205, which was used as shed pilot until it was withdrawn in 1955.
Photo: Ben Brooksbank Creative Commons Attribution
Quick best wishes
……to Ken Lewis, Mike Brooks and David Lane, all ‘hors de combat’ in one way or another. We hope that you are all on the road to recovery and look forward to seeing you again at some time in the near future.
Personal stock left in the club
Some personal stock has been left in the modelling room recently. This is just a reminder that this can only happen at the owner’s own risk and no responsibility can be taken by the club for any damage that is caused. The modelling room is also due for a spring clean, so could all personal property be removed over the next fortnight please.
The Locking-Up Rota
I hate having to prepare this as much as you hate having to look at it! However, the club has to be left secure after use and the new rota is attached. Do note that in normal circumstances, those on the rota will only have to lock up once every 20 weeks or so: the responsibility is not onerous. Please do put the date in your diary and if you are unable to meet a particular commitment, arrange for cover in lieu.
A not much photographed era when the Valleys DMUs wore a not-unattractive white livery with a blue stripe. Class 116 W51139 departing Ystrad Mynach with a Rhymney to Penarth service on Friday the 15th of August 1980. With thanks to Robert Masterman.
The 2019 show
Just a couple of points for you all here:
Programme advertising – please, if any of you know of anyone who would be prepared to purchase advertising space in our show brochure, would you approach them directly to gauge their interest? A full page costs £100, a half page £60 and a quarter page £40. Some small discounting might be possible to close a sale – please contact Scott to discuss this. The programme needs to be self-funding at the very least, hopefully it can also contribute to the show’s profit also. So, get asking!
Help over the show weekend – the new venue will require more bodies to help with marshalling, etc, than last time. A rota will be prepared, but names are needed first. Remember, helping out gets you free access for the weekend! Again, please dig deep in terms of the time that you are prepared to give and let Scott Rhodes know when you will be able to help.
Finally, Gwion now updates the website regularly, so details of traders and exhibitors are there for you all to see.
The 2019 Christmas dinner
Yes, I know, I hear you saying that they haven’t even put Easter Eggs in the shops yet…
A venue for next year’s dinner is now being sought: it could be the golf-club again but it’s equally possible that it could be somewhere else. Wherever it is, it will be free to all members, with guests paying up to £20. We have decided to try to make this the club’s main Christmas event this year and to encourage as many members as possible to attend. It’s too early for other details but, whatever they are, they won’t cost you as members a penny!
Finally, locking-up arrangements to the end of February
Jan 24 – J Allnutt
Jan 31 – N Blows
Feb 7 – R Bowen
Feb 14 – G Davies
Feb 21 – S Durrer
Feb 28 – J Grey
Best wishes all and don’t forget the AGM!.