Last month’s newsletter showed a photograph of this scene, showing Vivian’s Garratt, No. 10, outside their shed awaiting a turn of duty. By extraordinary coincidence, Swansea artist Jeffrey Phillips had recently completed an atmospheric painting of the same scene and has kindly allowed me to reproduce it here. Many thanks Jeff – much appreciated
Quite a lot to report on this month, including an update on our September show, changes in the payment of expenses and reimbursing members for project purchases, a note on the next open day, a request for help with the Junior section layout build and improved internal security on our top floor. There’s more besides, but before all of that, a note about an imminent smaller show in west Wales….
On the 26th and 27th August, the Corris Railway Society is holding its 2023 exhibition at The Plas in Machynlleth. The show is open between 10am and 4.30pm each day and entry feesare £4 for adults and £2 for children. Family tickets [2+2] are available at £10. The Corris railway will also be running their steam trains in the Dulas Valley over the weekend.
Mach isn’t exactly round the corner [about 2¾ hours from Swansea] but the journey makes a good day out if you include the Corris Railway, and it’s good to be able to support Welsh shows anyway.
This was mentioned in the last newsletter and Gwion Davies has asked me to remind those who have yet to compete the survey that their responses would be very much appreciated. It takes absolutely no time at all to undertake on line and it may be found here.
Remember, the purpose of the survey is to try and gauge what you, as members, want out of the club. The more responses we get, the more informed the Committee will be in making future decisions. Please try to take time to complete the survey as it will be of great help in terms of future planning.
Club member Bob Cotton showed me this photo recently and I couldn’t resist sharing it here. Obviously a news photo, the details are rather scant beyond stating that it happened in 1957 and involved a van leaving the St Helen’s Goods Yard. I’ve tried to identify the crushed van but failed. Any ideas out there? And does anyone have any further information about the accident?
A number of door-handles and locks around the club have succumbed to old age and now need replacing. Paul Dally and Andy Nowell recently surveyed all of them on the top floor and, with their report accepted, repairs are now in hand. Most of the remedial work involves replacing door handles, but a number of rooms require new locks fitting also and these include Downton, Ellsbrige and possibly the door in the corridor adjacent to the Test Tracks. This work will take place during later August and the new keys will be placed in the key safe.
And on the general subject of security, I have been asked to remind members who are last to leave the club at any time that they should ensure that skylight blinds are drawn closed and all doors are locked, particularly those in the Pennard Halt area of the first floor. Thanks.
An extraordinary photo found online showing a Terrier propelling a train of newly-built Isetta bubble-cars away from their factory in Brighton. The factory was, in fact, the old Brighton locomotive works [established in 1840] and at closure it was taken over by BMW for building right-hand drive versions of their then-popular bubble-car. As Oxford Diecast make models of the Isetta and a number of manufacturers have made Terriers, this scene could easily be modelled if one had a mind. I believe that the photo was taken by Paul Wood and it is used with thanks.
At the last AGM, the club’s Auditor made a number of recommendations with regard to the club’s management of petty cash and the way in which expenses were reimbursed to members. Following further discussion of these recommendations, and to simplify the role of the Treasurer, the Committee has agreed the following, which will commence from October the First 2023:
The Treasurer will retain a limited pretty cash system for payments, etc., but will also maintain a ledger to record all payments and receipts as they are made. The petty cash account will not exceed £100 at any one time and will be credited up to that sum as required.
All claims for reimbursement should be submitted within one month of expenditure to prevent further large accumulated claims from occurring. This to commence from October 1st. 2023.
The threshold for petty cash payments will change. From the 1st October 2023, for claims of £30 or more, the preference will be for payment by cheque wherever possible.
From the 1st. October 2023, claims for reimbursement will only take place on the last Thursday of each month. Exceptional claims may be paid differently by arrangement however [eg. large show-related expenses or wagon commission payments].
All claims for repayment for purchases made against approved layout builds should show ‘Shed Master’ [ie. build lead] approval before they are submitted.
Finally, the Treasurer will no longer authorise any claims for repayment of expenses: that authority will instead require a Committee Member’s signature.
The above will respond to the recommendations made by the Auditor and simplify considerably the role of the Treasurer who, currently, spends much of each Thursday managing claims for repayment and has to carry relatively large amounts of petty cash from time-to-time. Hopefully, this will allow him more time to enjoy regular club activity and allow him to run his astonishingly eclectic collection of stock!
The 20th. April 1965 and the Second Man looks back for the ‘Right Away’ to allow Hymek D7039 to depart Platform 1 Cardiff General for Portsmouth. How often do modellers model such an abundance of trolleys? With many thanks to Bob Masterman for another wonderful photograph from his collection
A couple of important requests…..
Planning for this important early September event is now very well advanced with all layouts and traders now booked – see the club’s website for full details of who’s coming. We recently paid the hotel bill for visiting exhibitors, too, that’s 18 rooms and the equivalent of 39 nights! We now need to recruit club members to help run the event over the Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Not just marshals, but also heavy lifters for set-up and close-down, some who can help mark out the floor, others who can direct exhibitors and traders to their locations and yet more for tasks I’ve haven’t considered ! Remember please, this is your show and its success is dependent upon all of us being involved in one way or another. A note will go up on the club notice board very shortly asking for volunteers, please do respond positively and work with the exhibition team make this a show to remember. Thank you.
We have also reprinted a large number of fliers as well as some A3 and A4 posters. Please take some of these from the Library and distribute them locally wherever possible.
Last year’s open day for other south and south-west Wales clubs was such a success that we have decided to hold it again this year. The date will be sometime in November and this time we’ll host with the usual buffet and possibly a lecture it on a Saturday to ease attendance. Further details will follow in due course.
Happily, it now appears that the damage caused by the recent leak in the roof space is cosmetic only and signs are that the ceiling boards have not come away from their supporting joists. The barriers under the offending area will be removed shortly [if they have not already been taken down] and the room can return to full use once again. Members will also have noticed that ‘Box’ is now safely stored in its new framing, although it will need to be reassembled in the near future to trouble-shoot prior to exhibiting it at our show.
The club’s juniors are in desperate need of a mentor to help them with their layout build. If any member would like to assist them in this way, please let any Committee member know. It is important that we support our younger members as it is their club, too, and they are really keen to make some progress with their build. Many thanks.
I mentioned both this month and last month the Vivian’s loco shod on the banks of the Tawe. Members might be interested to know that Swansea City Council hopes to restore this historic building along with others from Swansea’s industrial past. The plans include reinstating the track in the engine shed and, possibly, a locomotive also. Once the plans for the project have been finalised, further information will be available.
That’s it for now!
Best wishes.