Chairman's Update August 2015


Club attendances are presently affected by Summer holidays. I feel it necessary to devote much of this note to remind you of who is doing what within the Club with much of this activity on hold. Be patient and don’t get frustrated at the lack of activity. It will re-assert itself, as usual, in September!

Also remember to look at the diary at the bottom.



Membership currently stands at 76

Ieuan Morgan passed away recently after a long illness. Bernie Baker, John Gray and Mal Rowe attended his funeral. Our condolences have been passed to his family.

David Edwards from Caswell has now joined the Club and we extend the usual warm welcome to him.

It’s good to see Alan Cosker and Peter Fowler back in the Club after stints in hospital.



SRMG has work going on in many gauges with the present position on each layout as follows:

  1. St David’s Wells: Under the stewardship of Rob Pendry, Phil Place and Alan Burton who have taken on the responsibility of completing the MPD section, altering some of the scenery and making some other modifications.
  2. Test Track Area: Baseboards are due to be braced before the screen is added. Axel Richardson undertook to do this work as well as finishing the extensive scenic work he started last year.
  3. Box Junction: Preparatory work and site visit made by Gareth McEnery and Axel Richardson who with John Meredith are building this as an exhibition layout. Much of their work is planned for future Tuesday nights.
  4. Unnamed N Gauge Layout: Members working on this layout are Gwyn Harwood, Doug Kiddle, Nick Pease, Bob Temple and John Williams. We need a name for the layout!!
  5. Elsbridge: Under the responsibility of Richard Grigg regularly adding features to the layout.
  6. G Scale: Nick Kerslake and Jim Powell responsible for developing this layout.
  7. Mike O’Connor’s layout: Small alterations take place under Mike’s direction.
  8. South Dock: Ted Hylton has many helping to develop this large 0 Gauge layout. These include John Allnutt, Mike Brroks, Gwion Davies, Randall Morris, Carl O’Connor, John Rees, John Rogers, Mike Sarsfield, Ray Stroud and David Williams.
  9. Un-named American N Gauge: The committee awaits plans and cost estimates from Alan Cosker.
  10. Ashcombe: Exhibition alterations have almost been completed by Mal Rowe, David Williams and Gwion Davies. Contact Mal as he needs members to bring in N gauge GWR stock for the 1950’s through to the Beeching era so that prototypical running can take place when Ashcombe goes to the NWM Swansea October exhibition.
  11. You will remember that the 0 Gauge basement project had to be shelved. The former strong room is not fit for purpose. FOYD have now offered us all the garden buildings area including the former greenhouse at no rental cost. The G-Scale and 0 Gauge members have yet to look at what’s available and plans have yet to be considered.

I may personally help FOYD with this site clearance in the Autumn as I believe SRMG has a good deal with its buildings’ use. More later.

embers are encouraged to approach those mentioned in (1) to (9) if they wish to participate in modelling. Don’t moan about it seek out some members and crack on. See me if you have a problem.


Open Day / Running Night

West Wales 0 Gauge Model Railway Society are having an Open Day at the Church Hall, Pencader SA39 9ES on Saturday 22 August from 10.30am to 4.30pm. Model trains running will be ‘0’ gauge and ‘00’ gauge in both DC and DCC. Admission is free and you are encouraged to bring your own stock to run. Tea & Coffee are available at a nominal cost but I suggest you take some food if you are planning to spend a lengthy time there. This Society will be holding its annual show at Carmarthen on Saturday 24 October and further details will follow.

The Aeron Valley Railway Society is holding its annual multi-gauge event on Sunday 9 August from 10.00am to 4.30pm. Under a new committee the event will be at Llwyncelyn Memorial Hall SA46 0HF (2 miles south of Aberaeron). For enquiries go to Martyn Cook on 01545 571634 or Brian Duke on 01559 395435.

Porthcawl Model Railway Club is holding its Model Show on Sunday 23 August from 10.00am to 4.00pm at The Grand Pavilion, The Seafront, Porthcawl. CF36 3YW. Enquiries contact MIB models on 01656 771121.

Swansea Exhibition at The National Waterfront Museum

A reminder to all involved in this show:

  1. Ensure any layouts to be exhibited are in top class condition.
  2. Line up any supporting crew to help you to have a break in this 2 day event.
  3. Sign up for Club support if you have not yet done so.


Building’s Fire Policy & Evacuation Procedures and new FOYD improvements

The fire alarm system is presently being tested. Other FOYD groups are identifying Fire Marshalls. Some procedures are still to be implemented Peter Ryan meets with FOYD on 31 July for a progress report.


Website / Internet

Members are asked to continue to offer articles and contributions for inclusion on the site.


New Proposal

Members will note the involvement on existing and new layouts as described above with further possibilities for the garden area. Phil Place is nearing the end of his involvement in St David’s Wells and proposes to build a 4mm (00) exhibition layout in the Clear Creek room together with Tony Richards beginning in the Autumn. It is anticipated that this portable layout will be built to a high modelling standard so as to showcase SRMG in a good light. The Committee awaits details of this proposal. The majority of the Club’s members are interested in 4mm so it is appropriate to start this project as there is little construction activity at present in this gauge.



John Allnutt, Scott Rhodes and I cleared out the remaining FOYD items from the cupboard at the Club’s entrance. Members may now rent space for periods of 1 month at a minimum of £10.00 per railway item, payable in advance, with larger items the subject of separate discussions. John Allnutt will be responsible for all decisions. Committee has noted that members leave layouts, dioramas and personal items in the Club. These will either be skipped or stored in any available space in the rental unit with effect from 6 August. This applies to everyone.

The cluttered library area will shortly be cleared of accumulated junk.



  • 9 August – Aeron Valley Railway Society multi gauge exhibition (see item 5 above).
  • 22 August – Open Day at Pencader Church Hall from 10.30am to 4.30pm (see Item 5) for 0 and 00 Gauges.
  • 23 August – Porthcawl Model Show (see item 5 above).
  • 11 September – Open Evening; the usual format with food & drink and a chance to run stock with guests present.
  • 15 September – Lecture - The Gower Railway given by Rob Hulme at 7.30pm.
  • 3/4 October – Swansea Exhibition - The National Waterfront Museum 10.00am - 4.00pm on both days.
  • 24 October – West Wales Annual Exhibition – details to follow.
  • 27 October – Lecture – White Rock Copper Works, Swansea by John Ashley with Rob Hulme & Tudor Price.
