Chairman's Update September 2015


Many members have been on holiday, myself included, and this month’s newsletter is shortened with limited news. 



It is sad to report that Roger Collyer died on 1 September from an infection following an operation to remove one of his legs. He had been unwell with diabetes and other problems for all the time he was a Club member. Although not always an easy person with whom to converse we need to remember his poor health related issues. We shall always remember him for his beautiful G Scale stock, particularly when it ran around the G Scale test tracks. Sadly the sight of his stock will now be just a memory for us all. The Club has sent a condolence card to his family.



Ted Hylton continues his amazing 7mm odyssey with South Dock. He is working extremely hard on many afternoons to ensure all is ready for the club layout’s first major outing at NWM on 3rd / 4th October. If you have committed to support him either at the Club or from home please ensure you’re up to speed with your work. If you have free time in September to help, please get in touch with him. The Club wants the layout in order for the show.

Nick Kerslake has installed the test track screens to safeguard the running of 0 Gauge stock. This is important because there are regular derailments when members lean across the large gauge track to load / remove 4mm and 2mm stock. 0 Gauge is expensive – a large loco and 12 coaches can cost in excess of £1,000.00 – and the screens are a necessary requirement to prevent damage and to enable smoother running although the Committee aware that some are inconvenienced when now required to load stock from the operating well. The screens are designed to be removed to load 0 Gauge stock. They are not to be removed when 0 Gauge stock is present / running.


Open Evening

The Club’s next Open Evening will be on Friday 11 September starting at 7.00pm. Members are reminded they may bring family / friends but it is important that numbers are known beforehand for catering purposes so please make it your business to let me know if you’re coming and whether you’ll be bringing anyone.


Swansea Exhibition at The National Waterfront Museum – 3rd/4th October 2015

 I repeat last month’s note. Please ensure any layouts to be exhibited are in top class condition. Do line up any supporting crew to help you to have a break in this 2-day event. Support the Club by offering your help if you have yet to do so. Ted will be passing out instructions during September to those who have agreed to help.


Autumn Lectures

The first of 2 Annual Lectures organised by Hywel Trick is at 7.30pm on Tuesday 15 September in the 1st floor former chapel. Please make every effort to attend “The Gower Railway” given by Rob Hulme. There is a further lecture on 27 October on the White Rock Copper Works.



  • 11 September – Open Evening; the usual format with food & drink and a chance to run stock with guests present.
  • 15 September – Lecture - The Gower Railway given by Rob Hulme at 7.30pm.
  • 3/4 October – Swansea Exhibition - The National Waterfront Museum 10.00am - 4.00pm on both days.
  • 24 October – West Wales Annual Exhibition – details to follow.
  • 27 October – Lecture – White Rock Copper Works, Swansea by John Ashley with Rob Hulme & Tudor Price.
